About Us

Oculus eye hospital was set up in 2004 as a center of excellence for cataract and refractive surgery.

The surgical skills and experience of Dr. Jagruti desai ,the high end technology for eye examination and surgery ,our efforts at patient education and information and keeping up with latest techniques  ensure that we remain a center of excellence.

The Operation Theatre

Truly world class, dedicated to cataract surgery. The operation theatre at OCULUS is equipped with state-of-the-art high precision instruments and equipment to provide cataract treatment that is truly world-class.

Visu 150 ZEISS microscope : The microscope is at the heart of eye surgery. The excellent view of the interior of the eye, provided by the Zeiss microscope, ensures that your surgery proceeds safely and precisely to give you the best possible results.
This is the microscope used by the best cataract surgeons in the world. It is one of the 10 such microscopes installed in the city of Bombay.

Eartly Phacoemulsification machine : The new generation Eartly Phaco machine uses computer modulated phaco energy to reduce heat generation so that very advanced and complicated cataracts can also be removed safely.

High quality material : During surgery we use the best quality disposable materials. No expense is spared and the best available materials are used. For example titanium instruments instead of steel ones, powder-free gloves instead of regular ones , the best quality intraocular fluids and injections.


Standardised internationally accepted protocols : We have developed and put in place processes to achieve quality standards comparable with the best centres in the world. Best practices for disinfection of the operation theatre, 24 hour dehumidification and regular surveillance by air sampling are followed. The phaco handpiece is autoclaved between every surgery and is never reused; an on-line UPS makes sure that there is no break in the electricity supply.

Competent and supportive staff : All operation theatre and support staff undergo continuous up-gradation of skills .

Regular staff training programs help them keep up with the latest developments in scientific maintenance of the operation theatre. They are friendly, knowledgeable and efficient and help to create a calm and empathetic environment for the patients during surgery.

Surgical excellence,Genuine care

Since qualifying as an eye surgeon in 1992, Dr. Jagruti Desai has trained at one of the world’s leading centers for cataract surgery. She is a specialist cataract surgeon with experience in more than 10,000 cataract surgeries. She also teaches other eye surgeons phacoemulsification .

Dr. Desai’s focus is on ensuring that her patients have access to the latest technology and advances in cataract surgery. She is a regular attendee at key medical conferences where the latest scientific advances are presented and discussed. Her research work has been published in a range of peer-reviewed international publications and presented at some of the most prestigious conferences on ophthalmology.

This experience ,surgical skill and research knowledge reflect in the fact that the surgical results at OCULUS are as good as the best centres in the world.

Patient education and information

Dr. Jagruti Desai believes that patients deserve a surgeon who listens to their needs and keeps them well–informed. You will be shown the extent of your cataract every time you visit us. However excellent the surgical results are, no patient wants surgery before it is absolutely necessary. At Oculus, we promise you that your cataract will be operated at the right time. We will explain to you the various surgical options available and what is right for you.

You will be told in detail what will happen on the day of the surgery so that you are relaxed and at ease. After the surgery, you will have access to your surgeon, 24 hours a day ,7 days a week. In the extremely rare event that your eye does not feel just right, help is just a call away.

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